Chelsea Stewart

I grew up in the Tampa Bay area and attended the University of South Florida for both my Bachelors & Masters Degrees.

I didn’t grow up very “fit” or athletic. My fitness journey began after battling an eating disorder, anxiety, depression and OCD. I found fitness during the toughest time of my life and was able to utilize the lessons I learned from it to change my life for the better. Fitness taught me the power of showing up for myself and that I was capable of achieving my goals. Fitness taught me confidence and self love.

I never intended to have a career in the fitness industry. I actually went to school to be a Speech Language Pathologist. But I couldn’t deny the pull I had to help others who were in the shoes I was once, learn that they, too, were capable of achieving any goal they set their minds to. So here we are, 5 years later, going strong as a Health & Fitness Coach!

My favorite thing about coaching is watching my clients develop confidence within themselves. In their fitness journeys, in their bodies, and in their entire lives.

John Immel

B.S Exercise Science

I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, after high school I joined the U.S Army and served for almost 6 years and 2 deployments.

I graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in exercise science. I have competed in bodybuilding for 5 years, in both men's physique and classic physique divisions.

I specialize in weight loss, strength and bodybuilding. I want to help individuals realize and reach their potential, physically and mentally!

Liz Knowles

B.S Kinesiology: Sports Medicine

I grew up in New Orleans, played softball competitively all throughout high school. After graduating high school I pursued the Athletic Training program at LSU where I was fortunate enough to work with the Track and Field and Football team for 3 years.

During this time I became very passionate about fitness. I started competing in CrossFit , Olympic Weightlifting, then found myself falling in love with Bodybuilding.

After graduating from LSU I decided to no longer pursue sports medicine and fully invest my time in learning about sports nutrition.

I’ve become extremely passionate about strength training in all realms of fitness, I love helping individuals reach their own individual goals, and being a part of their fitness journey.

Miranda Schmitt

B.S Movement & Sport Science

I grew up in southern Indiana and attended Purdue University for my BS degree in Movement and Sports Science with a focus in Human Development.

I grew up competitive dancing and on the drum line in my high school’s marching band. During this time, they were just past times and I never thought myself as “sporty.” It wasn’t until college, when I started to gain weight due to lack of activities and the never-ending food on campus. I was introduced to the gym my freshman year and fell in love with how the body could move and develop.

I started my fitness journey because I wanted to lose my freshman 15, but I continued it because of all the growth I was experiencing. I grew my self confidence that helped me develop the mindset I have today. Developing this education and self-love drove me to want to share it with others. I started as such an unconfident, timid, shy girl. The gym taught me how to empower myself, even on my lowest days.

Since college, I have become a CPT, certified through Precision Nutrition, and Pre/Post Natal certified as well. As a coach, I love seeing my clients uncover their truest self. Watching them become mentally and physically strong, stand up for themselves, set (and conquer) their biggest goals is what keeps me going. Seeing their success and happiness is the most fulfilling part of the career. I am passionate about serving and guiding others to where they never thought they could go.

Sheri Cromarty


I was born and raised in central Florida, and went to school for Photography. I actually never planned to have a career in fitness, but it made such an impact in my life by allowing me to find confidence in myself, I knew I had to help other women feel the same.

I grew up very skinny and underweight, always trying to stay the smallest version of myself. I found CrossFit during college and absolutely fell in love with feeling strong.

I’ve dabbed in Bodybuilding, and now own a CrossFit gym with my husband in Connecticut.

My favorite thing about being a coach is not the physical changes my clients go through (even though that is amazing), but the mental changes. The confidence. Seeing them go from wanting to be the smallest version of themselves, to the strongest version of themselves.